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How to solve the friction on the surface of the glass bottle?

Release Time:2021-11-27      Hit count:452

Glass bottles are produced under high temperature. From glass solution to machine production and molding, they all go through the process of high temperature to low temperature. It is inevitable that there will be collisions and frictions between glass bottle products, and friction will occur when the bottle is rubbed against the bottle. Traces, sometimes the product will stick and become defective if it is not cooled

How can this problem be solved?

Reduce the speed of the machine to increase the cooling time of the product appropriately, reduce the temperature of the glass solution in the feeder bowl, use a cooling fan to cool the glass solution in the feeder, and spray the product with cold spray coating. Spray the friction-resistant coating when the product is in the assembly line to make the product Increased hardness to avoid friction marks.

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